Magick Colour Correspondence
Life is a kaleidoscope of tones and tints and each hue carries it's own energies and properties. Colours enable us to breathe, emote, and keep us safe, for our species and countless others colour has strongly shaped our evolution.
"Don't eat that berry" - it's red and might be dangerous! "Stay away from me" says the humble bumblebee in his yellow and black garb, you get the idea! There are countless uses for colour in our world, and some colour wavelengths we can't even see. How magickal is that?
Colour is used heavily in our daily modern lives and it even drives commerce and marketing; influencing what we buy.
Red is used in clearance sales as it promotes a sense of urgency and even physically stimulates your body, raising heart rate and blood pressure.
Yellow will catch your attention so it's often used in warning signs and construction sites etc.
'That looks healthy' you might think as you blend or buy your daily nutritional shake, tuck into a summer salad or pick up the latest eco-friendly product. Why? Because it's green... plants are green... plants are natural and enable us to live. [Warning! Tangent inbound: Did you know that Nasa theorises that plant life on our wonderful Earth used to be purple? Early plants and microbes used a chemical called retinal instead of chlorophyll for photosynthesis to harvest and process sunlight for energy. Retinal does not absorb purple and instead reflects this colour away making their appearance purple. I love this because purple is one of my favourites!]
Colours hold magick too.
Adding colour magick to your spells dramatically enhances your craft, and you're probably practicing this without realising it.
Think about your favourite colour for a moment, why is it your favourite? Think about what you feel, what you imagine and smell, does a certain colour remind you of someone...
And as simple as that you're now practising colour magick! You're setting your intention, emotions and energies into that colour and that's why it resonates with you so strongly.
We've listed the colour spectrum along with individual properties and energies for each colour for a quick and handy guide. Don't forget that colours are highly personal and what you feel from a colour may be completely different to someone else: so don't be afraid to experiment.
Top tip! - White can represent any colour other than black, so if white is all you have just set your intention into the candle and you're good to go.
White – peace, purity, healing, protection, illumination, spirituality, truth, moon magick, strength, cleansing, happiness, divination.
Black – banishing, mourning, absorbing/banishing negativity, protection, crone magick, reversing hexes.
Red -passion, love, sexual energy, lust, fire, career, strength, courage, willpower.
Yellow – leadership, health, learning, creativity, solar magick, inspiration, imagination, knowledge, productivity.
Blue – peace, truth, harmony, wisdom, communication, sleep, dream work, protection, friendship, patience.
Green – renewal, balance, prosperity, money, fertility, faerie magick, abundance, good luck.
Purple – third eye, wisdom, divination, psychic awareness, spirituality, power, success, higher self, influence.
Brown – grounding, strength, endurance, healing, earth magick, animal magick, friendship, balance, concentration, companion animals and home spells.
Pink – affection, friendship, inner peace, honour, femininity, companionship, spiritual healing, love, psychic awareness, divination, leadership.
Orange – kindness, strength, organisation, luck, self control, intelligence, enthusiasm, vitality, attraction.
Silver – associated with the Goddess, wisdom, female energy, psychic ability, the Moon and Moon magick, intelligence, memory, protection, removes negativity, spiritual and psychic development.
Gold – associated with the God, understanding, inner strength, confidence, prosperity, intuition, the Sun and solar magick, money, finances, ambition, healing emotional wounds.
![Wicca Magick Colour Correspondence.](