Fae Garden Aura Quartz and Rhodonite Incense Holder

Fae Garden Aura Quartz and Rhodonite Incense Holder

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Handcrafted Fae garden incense holder, with Yellow Aura Quartz point, Rhodonite rocks and Garnet path, toadstool and flower house decoration

    Aura Quartz properties:

    • Removes energy blockages
    • Great when used in meditation to calm the mind
    • Carries a loving energy
    • Used to aid help from angel guides

    Rhodonite properties:

    • Balances emotions by working with the heart chakra
    • Clears negative emotions from the past
    • Helps to build confidence and forgives

    Garnet properties:

    • The crystal of commitment and passion
    • Promotes strength and courage in difficult situations
    • Helps achieve success in work and business
      H 5.5cm x W 7.5cm x D 5cm