Full Moon Blend
Full moon is a time of releasing pain, anger and hurt. A time to reconnect and trust in Mother Moon and watch the peak of your intentions, set during the New Moon, come to light. A time to move forward positively and leave behind what no longer serves you🌕
🌿 Mugwort - Artemisia Vulgaris, this herb a is perfect choice for any moon magick. Named after the lunar goddess Artemis, this herb attracts abundance, healing, protection, good luck and has been used for centuries in spells for achieving goals.
🌿 Jasmine Flower - Cosmically aligned with the Moon and long known as a Moon herb due to its tendency to bloom in the evening, Jasmines scent is naturally calming and uplifting. It gifts us with energies of happiness, abundance and wealth, aura cleansing and is even used as an aphrodisiac.
🌿 Lemon Balm - Astrologically aligned with the Moon herself, this herb works on the emotional heart and brings with it an overall lightness. Wishes, success, clarity of thought and longevity are all properties this herb brings.
🌿 Rose Petals - we all have a love of the Moon and a Rose is a powerful aid in love magick. Energies that this flower attracts and supports include friendship, love, psychic powers and divination.
🌿 Lavender - Charms us with protection, peace, purification and, using its element of Air, blows around us energies of happiness.