🌿 Seasons blessings 🙏
The beautiful thing about seasons, is that we’re always enjoying one 😍
A blend designed to be used all year round to bring positive vibes into your blessings, spells and everyday life no matter where we find ourselves in the Great Wheel.
🌿 Comfrey - an amazing herb that brings balance, protection and wealth. A blessed herb of Brigid, Hecate and Cerridwen.
🌿 Red sage - traditionally used in spells regarding anything that you want to last. An amazing cleansing herb aligned with the element of Air.
🌿 Rosemary - packed with purification, healing, memory and love energies this herb brings only positive energies to your blessings.
🌿 Passionflower - aligned with the element of Water this herb will wash prosperity, peace, growth and friendship energies over you.