Lee here 👋 so here’s the story!
I was tasked with creating a blend that represented me, your humble Herb Father! 🌿😊 I fell in love with this idea so I wheeled out my herb trolly and got to work.
As I sat there in my element, surrounded by kilos of herbs, plucking out my favourites, I began to realise what I was creating even before I started blending.
Clearly, it seemed, what my heart and soul wanted to craft for you all, was something that would encompass everything that I want to instil in you all with every blend I craft, package and ship to you. Love, strength, protection, abundance, happiness, a tool for connecting with the divine, balance… the list goes on
So here we have it. The Herb Father 🌿 an all rounder, filled with the energies of love, joy and kindness that I feel for you all.
🌿 Dandelion - the true divination herb. Dandelion is renowned for granting wishes, calling the spirits and enhancing psychic powers. The element of Air resides in dandelion and is associated with Hecate and Aphrodite.
🌿 Nettle - aligned with the element of Fire and the gods Thor and Loki, nettle will bring you protection, strength and healing energies.
🌻 Sunflower - the Sun, Fire, Belenus and Leo in their plant form! Naturally promotes self confidence, positivity and good luck.
🌸 Heather flowers - calls in the power of the goddess Isis ‘the queen of throne’ and introduces luck, balance and rain making magick into your life.
🌿 Alfalfa Leaf - aligned with the element of Earth, the planet Venus and the god the Dagda, this herb will bring good luck and happiness in homes and call on the properties of prosperity and grounding.
🌿 Hawthorn - calls on the power of Belenus and Fire element to bless you with fertility, abundance and happiness.
🌿 Yarrow - will wash over you with love, courage and empowerment energies, powered by the Water element and the divine powers of Hermes and The Horned God. So powerful that Achilles used yarrow to treat the wounds of his army after battle.
🌿 Patchouli - one of my all time favourites and is aligned with the element of Earth and the god Pan 🐐 this herb will aid you in manifesting lust, passion, sexual power and protection.