❤️ Self Care Love Blend 🌿
You are number one in your universe, your energy paints the world with your magick and the world is better with you in it.
As the Great Wheel turns and life speeds on escorted by the rise and fall of the Sun and Moon, we sometimes forget that we need to look after ourselves. I’ve designed this blend to aid in restoring internal balance and allowing you to truly love the most important person in your life: You.
🌿 Rue naturally attracts positive energy and has been used for centuries to recoup from, and ward off future, illnesses. With an added benefit of clearing the head in matters of love and when important decisions are to be made.
🌹 Rose Petals are the epitome of love of all kinds. Building not only love for yourself, Rose is included in this blend to call in health and luck, utilising it’s elemental sign of Water to bathe you in positive energy.
🌿 Lavender brings happiness, love and tranquillity. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used Lavender to cleanse not only their home, but also themselves as well as utilising it to soothe the mind.
❤️ Passion Flower promotes peace and friendship and is often used in spells of growth. When these properties are turned inward, Passion Flower gives us a solid foundation to build and maintain self love.
🌿 Agrimony offers protection under the goddess Danu the Great Mother, and is used to overcome fear and inner blockages, bringing an internal inner harmony.
10x15cm pouch